How to Turn Ripe Bananas into Delicious Banana Bread

Baking banana bread is a great way to take advantage of ripe bananas. It’s an incredibly simple process that requires just a few ingredients and not a lot of time. The result is an incredibly delicious bread that will quickly become a family favorite.

You can definitely make just plain banana bread, or you can put in add ins to your banana bread such as nuts or chocolate chips. The recipe I am sharing is for chocolate chip banana bread, but you could make with substituting or eliminating the chocolate chips. To begin, you’ll need ripe bananas, all-purpose flour, sugar, baking soda, butter, eggs, salt and chocolate chips.

How to bake chocolate chip banana bread

Here are the instructions for making my favorite chocolate chip banana bread. You are going to mix these ingredients in the order that I list them out. Start with one cup of sugar and then add one teaspoon of baking soda. I use a baking spoon and stir with each new addition to the mixing bowl to make sure it all gets mixed together well. I then take half a cup of butter and I like to melt mine in the microwave to make it easier for mixing it in. But you could use room temperature and a mixer. To the mixture then add three tablespoons of hot water. This can just be warm tap water, or you if you have where you can get warm water then use that. You do not need to bowl water to get it hot.

Then you will add in two eggs. I have used them at room temperature and straight from the fridge. It doesn’t seem to matter for the recipe so whatever is your preference. Next is one fourth teaspoon of salt. I then add in my flour, you can sift or just gradually add in two cups of flour. Making sure to stir as you pour in a little at a time. Take one or two ripe bananas, two if you want it to have more of a banana flavor, and mash them down. Then add the mashed bananas to the mixing bowl and stir all together. I will then add in my chocolate chips, you can do six to eight ounces depending on how chocolatey goodness you want. Make sure it is all mixed together well.

Now it is time to bake the banana bread; make sure your oven is at 350 degrees. Grease and flour your bread pans before adding in your bread dough. I like to use the Pam baking spray since it has flour and the grease together. I spritz the bottom of the pan and use a paper towel to wipe it up the sides of the bread pans. Recently I replaced my bread pans, and I am really happy with this set that I got. It is a set of three and this recipe is the perfect size for three medium sized banana bread loaves.

Then it is time for baking, pour in your bread mixture to fill the pans 3/4 full. When I measured it one time it was about 1 cup of bread mixture to each bread pan. I like to set my bread pans on a baking sheet so I can easily transport them all into the oven and out at the same time. Here are my favorite baking sheets that I have shared in other baking blog posts. Transfer the pans into the oven. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees or until a toothpick inserted in middle of loaf comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let sit in loaf until completely cooled. If you try to transfer the bread out of the pan to a cooling rack before it is completely cooled it will fall apart. I have learned from my experience. Patience is key!

Chocolate chip banana bread loaves

Enjoy this yummy chocolate chip banana bread any time you have ripe bananas on hand. With this simple recipe, it’s easy to turn ripe bananas into a delicious loaf of banana bread any time!

Slice of banana chocolate chip bread

Let me know if you try this recipe and if you enjoyed it. If you are looking for more recipes to try check out the other recipes I have on my page.

Baking Favorites Links

Links for items I have and use for making my banana bread recipe:

Stainless steel mixing bowls – love that they come with a lid too

Bread pans – perfect size for this banana bread recipe

Pam baking spray – use to grease and flour your pan before adding in your bread mixture

Cute baking canister set – perfect for storing your baking supplies and has a cute spoon for scooping your ingredients

Favorite baking sheets – put one of these under your bread pans to easily transport in and out of oven

Measuring cups and spoons – I recently upgraded my old broken measuring cups and spoons with this cute set

Great spatula set – if you are looking for a new silicone spatula set let me recommend this one

Baking spoons – mine is actually an old one my mom gave me but this set looks very similar to the one I use

Recipe card for Banana Chocolate Chip Bread